My Fitness Blog

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Stopping to Enjoy a Plateau

When you hit a plateau in your progress, if you feel tired, it is a good time to just stay there for a few weeks. I am not sure many fitness experts recommend this. But in my experience, after losing some weight, see if you can easily stay in a maintenance level and stay within a couple pounds of where you are. And do not sweat it if you have a couple cheat meals and weigh yourself and you have gained a couple pounds in one day. It is probably just your glycogen stores being replenished to your muscles. Let your muscles fill out in this way and keep eating well and exercising. Just stay on the plateau, enjoy the view and let your nervous system relax. If you still want to get leaner, get going once you feel ready again. This is very healthy. If you lose a ton of weight in a short amount of time, you want to keep going and can get discouraged if the scale starts tilting in the wrong direction. Just work to stay where you are. Live in that body for a while and then get ready for the next step when you feel comfortable. It should feel natural for you to maintain. You are still developing good habits. And keeping in the plateau will give you confidence that this is a lifestyle you can live with.


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