My Fitness Blog

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Balance with Yoga?

Everything really seems to boil down to balance. Right now, I do heavy lifting 3 times a week and high-intensity cardio for 20 minutes 3 times a week. A total of about 2.5 hours/week. I am also eating well. Great results. But I think I am missing one piece. Stretching. I have been thinking of adding some daily, short yoga first thing in the morning. I think this is a key component as I get older and an area I may be overlooking. I saw a special on HBO Sports on "Boomer-itis" where lots of Baby Boomers are suffering from sports related injuries. This, in a way, is exciting because they are so active. I'd much rather have a shoulder replaced than a heart attack, but it begs the question what is too much? A lot of the injuries were marathon runners and triathletes ... and others who really overdo cardio. I think you can overdo cardio for sure and that is one reason I backed off my additional morning elliptical routines. But I have noticed I am not as flexible as I used to be so some morning yoga would be good I think to try. We'll see how it goes.


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