My Fitness Blog

Sunday, July 01, 2007


The benefits of taking control of your health through good nutrition and exercise are many. Some are obvious. These may the the first goals you think of when starting a program. However, there are many other benefits that you may not realize that will eventually eclipse in importance any vanity goals you may have to start.
  1. Looking better. There is nothing wrong with this being your primary goal. If all you want to do is look good ... make other people notice you ... make someone jealous, then this is a real benefit. Looking good makes you feel better. It makes you want to go out more. You will naturally become more active and feel comfortable in social situations
  2. Feeling Better. This goes hand in hand with the first one.
  3. Thresholders. That's what my doctor called them anyway. He used this to describe people who once they lose weight and cross certain thresholds, some of their nagging physical ailments go away. For me, when I get under about 195 pounds, my acid-reflux problem completely disappeared.
  4. Sexual. Numerous benefits here
  5. Energy Levels. Pay close attention to how you feel when you eat different foods. By sticking to the basics of eating smaller, healthier meals, you will notice tremendous energy increases. But you will also nitice a more sustained energy. I used to have these massive nap attacks throughout my life. Once I started noticing my diet played such a crucial role in that, I was able to almost eliminate any drowsiness in the middle of the day.
  6. Mental Health. With my family history of depression, I am realizing how much eating right and exercising helps to avoid any need for medication.
  7. Example to Others. Do you have kids? Watch your kids light up and respond to your changes.
  8. Skin health. Eating natural foods and drinking sufficient water will do wonders for skin tone and complexion. Especially healthy fatty foods like salmon.
  9. Lots more ... need to record more in the future. But overall, it is true freedom. Anyone can be struck with a sudden illness or accident that can put them in the hospital or worse. However, the fact you know you are doing everything you can to avoid preventable diseases is powerful.


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