My Fitness Blog

Friday, June 29, 2007

The layers ...

So on the idea that you really have to peel back the layers and start with the first layer, or the basics, here is my first stab at the layers ...

The First Layer:
  1. Know where you are. Take some basic measurements and write them down. Heights, weight, body fat if you have access to something to measure it ... or use a measuring tape to take body measurements. Put this on paper or in a spreadsheet with a date and this is a good starting point.
  2. Decide what you want long-term. This is different for every person. If you want a 6-pack or a body-builder of fitness model physique, that is wonderful, but whatever your goals are in reading a book like this and wanting to improve yourself, you need to know what you want. A good percentage of people will say "I want a body like ____". This is a good place to start but at first, decide, in general, what you want. Later you can get more specific and detailed in your goals. But right now, think in your mind where you want to go long-term. This is your vision of how you want your body to look and how you want to feel with the hopefully many years you have to live.
  3. Eat well. That is a simple statement, but know this. Before you worry about levels of carbs and fat and protein you want to eat, just first start by eating better foods. What are better foods or the "best foods"? There are some great sources but the best is right here. The 130 Best Foods You Can Eat. If you do nothing else than to eliminate all processed fats, processed sugars and processed foods from your diet and ate off this list even without considering portion sizes and what-not, you would have significant health improvements. Yes, there are sweeteners like cane juice on there. There are plenty of ways to overindulge off this list and still gain weight, but if you are sensible and consumed your calories from this list, you will be healthier.
  4. Get Moving. I am not going to tell you what types of things to do at this point. Just get moving. Walk more, do chores around the house, play golf or whatever you enjoy. We can get to more of the nitty-gritty later on.


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