My Fitness Blog

Friday, January 05, 2007

January Goal

Goal for January 31 is to be at 187 pounds (5 day average) and getting my first 18% BF readings on the morning weigh-in. That would mean a loss of 3 pounds of fat this month. After 9 of 10 days resting during the last week of the year, my average weight went from 188.5 to 190. I feel rested but I have hit it hard the last 3 days. From my previous experience with the summer vacation, regaining momentum is very difficult. That is the challenge and hopefully I will be smarter this time. The fact I am running more to train for 10Ks should help. Also, my wife will be out of town for work for a week and that week I might get some extra exercise in after the kids sleep if necessary.


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