My Fitness Blog

Thursday, July 06, 2006

... But it is not all roses ...

In my previous post, I talked up my accomplishments so far and remarked about a lot of progress. I certainly am happy with that, but it should be noted I can already see some real areas that need improvement.
  1. Training Journal. It wasn't until my second time reading the BFFM chapter on weight training that I understood that my weightlifting really needs to be progressive. Either going up in reps, or weight or amount of work in a fixed period of time. I have been progressive the last 3 weeks and seen good results, but I have not been keeping good records. I love the fact I have been recording body composition data daily, so why don't I do it for lifting? I am going to go get a folder to hold some log pages I printed online.
  2. The Sixth Meal. My clean days are almost always 5 meals. Adding the sixth is tough for me but a goal.
  3. Calorie Counting. I have a ballpark idea of calories and protein consumption but even though my meals are "clean", I do not have exact numbers to make sure my macronutrient ratios are optimal. Since I have been seeing consistent results, I have stuck with the current routine.
  4. Core Strength. One of my weaker points, I need to work more on "core" exercises.
  5. Fat Percentage Tracking. I am tracking my Tanita scale results but not using more accurate measures such as calipers. I am relying more on the scale and measuring tape.
  6. More Vivid Goals. I have a goal statement but I don't think it is vivid enough. It needs to be more visual to maintain the intensity I have had so far.


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