My Fitness Blog

Wednesday, May 31, 2006

Changing My Tune ...

So I wrote how much I hate protein bars in an earlier post. I still do. But I was finding that getting enough protein everyday in 5 or 6 small meals was tough. I would eat tuna and carrots for my 4pm meal and it was getting painful. A friend introduced me to Pro Blend 55 protein drinks. I researched and the reviews and ingredients seemed really good. The main thing for me is they blend well in the indivdual serving bottles you can buy and they are relatively thin and go down easy with water. I can get one down in 20 seconds easily and that is 55g of protein. I am now taking one after my morning cardio and one after the afternoon lift. I am finding the convenience and amount of protien is hard to pass up. We will see how it goes. I got a bunch at the Viamin Shoppe for relatively cheap.


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