My Fitness Blog

Monday, May 22, 2006

Frequent Measuring

One of the points I have read in the main book that got me focused on my diet (Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle which I should comment on more later) is the idea of frequent measuring (weight, body fat%, waist size, etc.). In the past, when I have been serious about getting to a particular weight, I would usually measure weekly so as to see the progress. I know that weight can fluctuate on a dialy basis for any number of reasons, so I tired to keep it weekly so as to see the progress. Well, I think it is important to note the daily changes and notice the trends. For me, it is motivating even though one day you might be heavier than the previous day. You just gotta keep working.

Recording the measurements is important, too, because you see so many numbers during this process that you start imagining things. For example, the first weight I recorded was 205.6 but I kept thinking "207" in my head. I don't know why. I got down to 204 pretty quickly and wondered if I was I losing too quickly (yeah, like that would ever happen). Anyway, knowing the body fluctuates a pound or two from day to day (I weigh myself first thing in the morning without clothes and after the morning wizz ... as good a baseline as I can think of), you can lose track of where you are vs. where you came from. So on 5/9 I was 205.6 and on 5/22 I am 203.2. Body fat has gone form 25.3 to 23.7 (the body fat counter on the scale is even more hokey than weight so I don't think this is exact at all). Anyway, I see the trend. The last 8 days went something like 204.8, 205.0,204.6,204.0,204.6,203.8,203.2,203.2. On the days I go up a pound, I get a little miffed but on the days I definitely crossed a marker (like getting under 204), I felt really good.

So in 13 days, I am down 2.4 pounds and I feel like I have maintained muscle mass so that is a good sign.


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