My Fitness Blog

Thursday, May 18, 2006

Getting Serious About Fitness

My entire life I have been moderately to very overweight. Never once would I have ever been considered "cut" or looked like someone who is an athlete or avid gym-goer. I have been going to the gym on and off for years. The last three years, I have been going regularly. And even though I have stabilized at a pretty good weight ... I still have a ring of fat across my midsection and no definition. My gym workouts have been getting progressively better ... I have gained some muscle size and some small definition changes. it is frustrating, though, that I could have a much better appearance gains if I could control my diet. That has been my area of focus the last week and will be from here on out.

About a week ago, I read an article about changing your self image and the need to do that to really get yourself where you want to be. You write a goal in the present tense as if you are living in that state at the time you want to achieve your goal. Mine is a 6 month goal. In my case, right now I am 205 pounds with a 37.75" waist and some muscle mass but very little definition. I wrote my initial draft of where I want to be in 6 months time. Just doing that has kept it in my mind. I keep a copy in my wallet and I read it when I thin about it and I could stand to read it more ... but I need to expand upon it. Here is what I wrote ...

"November 15, 2006
I am so happy. I have reached my goal of 9% body fat and weighing 180 lbs. and I feel great. I have clear muscle definition and I can see my ab muscles. People don't recognize me and I inspire people to ask how they can do it too. People who haven't seen me in months can't beleive it. I have defeated my weaknesses, my DNA, my mind and what people expect from me. I am an example to my kids for all time. My clothes fit well and I can get any clothes I want to wear. 32" waist."

This may need some revision as I go forward, but it is a good start.


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