My Fitness Blog

Friday, May 19, 2006

Some more motivation

Other things that motivate me are just the attitudes I receive from people (most who are assholes to begin with). For whatever reason, because I am a bit soft and generally quiet people either ignore you or make rude comments from time to time even though they are not conscious if it. I don't treat people with such disrespect and cannot understand why other people do.

Fuck them. They aren't worth my time and I need to harness those negative feelings and use them as motivation. Brother-in-law says "take a look at yourself now ... you are the skinniest you will ever be". You wouldn't think that was all that bad. But it was a backhanded compliment. I had lost some weight and was feeling good about it. I had on a surfing outfit and he made that comment. Basically, it was obvious to him I had lost weight but instead of a compliment, he comes with a back-handed one saying, essentially, you can expect to look like sh*t from here on out or "you have peaked". If you knew the guy, you would know what I mean. Anyway, fuck him. In a way, that really motivates me to spite comments like that. Another one was "... George is starting to look good ..." ... this was from a sister-in-law. I cannot explain how back-handed that one was. Again, in a different context, this comment is completely fine and normal. But with me, it was intentional to be rude. Basically, it was directed at my wife while I was there. She is so competitive with my wife that she has done some of the lowest, most demeaning things to her that it is hard to be around her at times. Eh, fuck her. Her opinion is sh*t, but it is things people say like that that prevent people from breaking through in my opinion. I haven't broken through yet but I will. Writing down feelings like that seem to help. They seem to help at those times I don't want to eat the 4 o'clock meal or get up and do cardio in the morning.

It doesn't stop there, though. Even in my own family there is a lack of motivation to get healthy. And that permeates a bit with me. I grew up around it and it is something I will always battle. I believe it is a winnable battle.


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