My Fitness Blog

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

Finding Foods That Work For Me

Trying to stick to the lean protein/complex carb/good fat meal plan takes work. To do it in a well-balanced way really takes time. So while I am getting started, I am realizing that certain meals that you can eat anytime and fit into the schedule are worth their weight in gold.

For me, the current MVP is cottage cheese and green apples. Cottage cheese and a banana doesn't work. Cottage Cheese and oatmeal doesn't work ... but I can eat 3 servings of 1% milkfat cottage cheese (Borden "blue" brand only) which has a total 39 g protein, 240 cals and 15 g carbs and 3g fat (only 1.5 saturated). Very high protein and the sour apple is a perfect combo. I cannot expain it but everything goes down so easy. I can eat that for a meal anytime. I think the roughage from the rind of the apple helps me feel full and the sweet/sour combo of the apples flavor makes cottage cheese seem like it has a nice taste. I have eaten that meal once a day for over 3 weeks and I am not close to tied of it ... Tuna and carrots on the other hand.... ugh, I need to work on that.

Most people I know cannot stand to look at cottage cheesebut can down protein shakes like they are ice cream. To each his own but that one works for me.


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