My Fitness Blog

Monday, May 22, 2006

Protein Bars Suck

Knowing that eating 5 or 6 meals a day is tough, I went and did some research on protein bars. I don't want to take any protein bars or drinks during my quest to drop the fat, but I relaize in certain instances they can help. So I tried a couple this weekend that aren't too bad ... they actually taste good. They had some decent reviews in terms of ingredients and taste, so I bought a few.

I am sure I will eat them from time but I have made it my commitment that they are only a last-resort meal. As I ate a couple this weekend, I just got this overwhelming infusion of common logic and it told me that there is no earthly way that these bars are good for you or provide what they say they can. There is such little regulation and intense competition within the food supplement industry that companies will claim anything. It is also extremely hard to find objective opinions about these supplements online. Even sites that claim to be neutral have ads for supplements on them. There is also substantial research to show that companies in this industry under-report carb content and overstate the types of protein. So there it is ... real food is the way for me unless a protein bar is all I have.

We'll see how it goes.


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