My Fitness Blog

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Candy Jar

There is a really nice lady who works in a cubicle beside me that keeps a community candy jar. And it is not just mints and candy corn. It is stocked with the real stuff. M&Ms, Snickers, Double Bubble, Butterfinger, Kit Kat, Tootsie Rolls ... you name it, it has been in there and it is always refilling quickly with new goodies. She keeps it completely stocked at all times. It has become the company candy jar. People contribute money and/or candy donations to be shared with all.

I have partaken and contributed to the candy jar. It used to be that I would go there twice a day at least and get something small. Sometimes, after eating a heavy lunch out with friends or my wife I would get a fierce sweet-tooth and eat three Snickers or something. That didn't help keep my weight down even if it only is the snack-size bars.

So I made a commitment two months ago to NEVER eat from the candy jar. Actually, that has been easy. I just told myself is it not even an option and I haven't even had so much as a piece of gum. I find it is easier in a case like this to just remove that completely from my life. If I had said "once a week is OK" I think it would be harder to keep the commitment. It also helps that I am eating fairly low-glycemic meals most of the time so I do not get that intense need for sweets. I think having weekly cheat meals and stuff like that is perfectly acceptible in a healthy lifestyle, so "once or twice a week" deals with yourself are normal ... but in the case of this jar, it is best for me to remove it from my brain completely. And it has been much easier than I originally thought.

I may toss in a few bucks to contribute for the office, but I won't be making any withdrawals.


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