My Fitness Blog

Tuesday, May 23, 2006

The Morning Run

So for a long time my wife has asked me to run with her. She is a great athlete but is not a good runner in the sense she really goes slowly. I am not a great athlete but a decent runner when training so our problem was always I would want to take off at a fast pace and she would linger around a 12 or 13 minute mile pace. Well, she wanted to start again so I decided to just follow her no matter how slow.

My fear has always been that running slow liek that would be hell on my shins. I have suffered from shin splints all of my life and I thought the slow runs would be wasted time of minimal cardio benefit and lots of shin pain. To my surprise, it hasn't been either. I am now rethinking the way I build up to long-distance running by starting at a much slower pace. My shins have been fine. I could definitely stand to go faster to get more cardio work in, but I think this is a good start and the wife is really happy too.


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