My Fitness Blog

Monday, June 05, 2006

Evolution of the Diet

For someone with a history of not-that-great eating habits, getting to the point where all my meals are "clean" per the Burn the Fat book takes time. I think doing the best you can for a week and then reevaluating your meals and working to improve them is a healthy way to go about it.

When I started back in the first week of May, the biggest problems were my 4pm meal (which was plain tuna at the time with carrots and tomatoes) and breakfast. For breakfast, I was eating and energy bar (Clif Bar) and fruit. Not bad, but not great either. Then I progressed to find a protein shake I liked and I started drinking those after my morning cardio. Now, I have started eating plain oatmeal and a protein shake. That is an excellent, "clean meal".

i am also taking a protein drink immediately following the lunchtime lifting. I think that will help long term as well.

Another progression is the dropping of coffee in favor of green tea. This is a big step. The antioxidants in green tea seem to have all sorts of benefits.

I wish I was dropping fat a bit faster (I am about 1 pound per week), but I think I am finding I can eat and function well this way.


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