My Fitness Blog

Friday, June 02, 2006


Today is the first day since really focusing on diet when I feel completely drained. It might be a stomach bug ... it might be the diet changes this week ... it might be the intense workouts from this week ... but I am feeling it. It was the first day I was tempted to get somethign from the candy jar, but I didn't. I had a small peanut butter sandwich as a meal ... a cheat meal for sure, but it helped. I think I need to get lots of sleep this weekend and rest. Swimming with the kids all weekend ... nothing better than that for relaxing for me.

It is just interesting to note, beacuse today has been uncomfortble. I think I need to realize what is causing it and go from there. Reading my goals helped as well. Plus, I have a planned cheat meal of our favorite pizza with my wife and kids tonight. Should be fun.


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