My Fitness Blog

Monday, June 26, 2006

Getting Through a Rut

One thing I cannot seem to avoid is the bit of a downer feeling when my daily measurables (weight, fat%, etc.) show no improvement or even decline. I have been tracking data every day for nearly a month and I have seen steady progress, but it is those days where you weigh in a bit heavier and start to wonder if it is just water or is it your body kicking into starvation mode and shutting down your metabolism. It seems silly, I know .... I mean, I have only been tracking data on a daily basis for a month.

I think the key is perseverance. Keep trying hard and you come out of it ... usually for the better. I am dedicated to reaching my goals. It just can be tough on you mentally when you feel you have taken a step back.

I feel better for sharing that.


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