My Fitness Blog

Friday, June 29, 2007

What am I Selling?

There is no good reason this book should sell. I have no sexy tag lines. No promises of great abs in 6 weeks. No special diet routines. No magic pills. What I am putting down is what I believe is the God's-honest truth. What I am putting down are things that went through my mind for years. What I am putting down came about because I am witnessing the entire country get fatter and fatter. I see so many more fat children and stories about epidemic increases in diabetes, depression and other disorders. And we have so many cool reasons to sit at home. High-def TV is awesome. Video games are fantastic. And the internet makes so much possible.

Have you ever been to a foreign country for a while and then flown back to the US? What is one of the first things you notice? For me, it is how many fat people there are. It just is not the same elsewhere? Why? We are an extremely wealthy country with much more free time and access to toys than anywhere else. On top of that, many food manufacturers have made processed foods so cheap and available that they are damn-near impossible to escape. Eating processed sugars, fat and carbs is SO much more inexpensive that eating healthy produce for example. It is so easy to eat this stuff ... but it is poison to your body.


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