My Fitness Blog

Sunday, July 01, 2007

Angle of the book ...

Fat loss is an incredibly boring subject but one that most people think about in some way almost daily. And it is one topic in which a lot of people are making a lot of money. Getting rid of excess body fat has many benefits. There are a million and one approaches to the topic. The goal of this book is to get your mind in the right place. Strip back the layers of difficulty so you can strip the layers off yourself. With all those people selling you their supplements and their programs, their motivation will likely be based on money. The purpose here is to help you see through the flashy sales gimmicks and get your head in the right frame of mind for true lifestyle changes that will increase your happiness in many areas of your life ... not just how you look.

If you are reading this book, I suspect you have had strong feelings about a need to look and feel better. It may be a picture that your friends took that when you saw it you felt like "I couldn't look like that ... I look huge". Maybe someone hadn't seen you in a couple years and upon revisiting makes a comment about how you look like you have been eating well. Maybe you just don't feel your best when you are out at night and your clothes don't fit as well as you want. You are sitting and you actually feel uncomfortable from the fat on your body taking up so much space. Activities get harder because, face it, you are doing more work just moving the fat around. I have felt all of these things. I felt them for many years, actually. It certainly wasn't all-consuming ... I felt happy about so many things in life but there was this nagging feeling like "I need to get in shape" in the back of my head.

Motivation can come from anywhere. Since I had those feelings in my head, that was a source of motivation. I wanted to not have to worry about my weight. But there were also some singular events that kind of got me going. When I watched my dearly beloved mother be eaten away by pancreatic cancer at an all-to-young age of 61, I really looked at myself and my health. Although she never said it directly, I could imagine the feeling of helplessness as she had to have her body fail on her and she knew that was it as far as life on this earth is concerned. No more time with her grandkids who she poured her heart out too every day of her life. No chance to reclaim your health.

Every time my mom would visit, she made comments how she wanted to lose weight. She never did. She wanted to look great in a bikini. She would put pictures around of her face on a fit body but it never materialized. That is a common exercise to reprogram your brain, but for her it never happened. Our family did not have the best eating habits. We ate lots of breads and pizza and sweets. My whole family is very heavy. Always have been. When I watched my mom suffer, I felt like I cannot be in that position when I am older. I cannot always be trying to "catch up" and lose this fat on my body. I can't wait any longer. I need to get moving. I need to learn more about nutrition and exercise. As I studied and implemented, I came to realize there are some key points you need to get straight in your head to implement true changes.


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