My Fitness Blog

Thursday, July 05, 2007

What Did *I* Want?

The thought I always keep in my head was that when people saw me they would think "he is in really great shape". So for example, when I started losing some fat, I would get compliments like "looks like you are losing weight". That is a great feeling. But after working at it for a couple of years, the comments changed. i started hearing things like "you look like you are in fantastic shape". That is where I wanted to be. That is where I want to stay. There are lots of reasons for that. Some vain, for sure. Some for overall health after thinking about my mother. But a lot of it had to do with my love for my family and wanting to inspire them. It is great for my kids to look up to me as someone who is doing all they can to be healthy. It makes me feel good. So I think everyone should have an overall idea what they want to be. Keep it simple. From there, you can make specific goals that will help you get there.

And it is completely natural for the reasons for losing weight to want to look more appealing to the opposite sex or same sex whatever the case may be. That is a very powerful driving force and use it to your advantage. Some people might say that is simply being vain but whatever the reasons, you are going to be better off health-wise as long as you do it naturally. These sort of things motivate me as well but I think you will find that the other benefits of getting lean and healthy are worth so much more.


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