My Fitness Blog

Thursday, July 05, 2007

There is never a perfect time ...

Just start even with the simplest of changes. Make some simple nutritional changes you can deal with or start exercising with more regularity. Just make changes and start today because there will never be a perfect time to start. And if you are waiting for the perfect time, I would implore you to make one change from the list below and start there.

I think the idea of the perfect time derives from the idea that you must completely change your life to get where you want. You life has to and will change but the steps can definitely be slow. I would encourage you to keep it slow. It is an evolutionary process. If you go slow and continually improve, fantastic habits will develop and you will get there.

Start with the "first layer". The first layer is removing as many processed foods and drinks from your diet as you can. If you have to have a dessert every night, try replacing it with fruit or something healthy and limit your "treat" dessert to once a week. This is just an idea for a start. If you drink a lot of soda, that is a great place to start. Cut back to a diet drink or better yet, water or unsweetened tea. Little changes will go a long way and start today.


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