My Fitness Blog

Thursday, July 05, 2007

Everything is Connected

This book deals with one major topic on people's minds ... fat loss. Someone might call someone vain for focusing attention on one topic like that but I think all people agree that happiness comes from a large combination of factors. Health, finance, relationships, hobbies, spiritual or mental well-being, etc. I believe there needs to be a balance. But I also believe, that if you have one place you want to start, you should start with your health. Getting fit and healthy ties into all the other areas of your life in a way that will help you excel in other areas.

So spending time reading about fitness and implementing a lifestyle you can live with to get your goals will pay off in all areas of your life.

Do you need someone to believe in you? I believe in you. I have seen hundreds of people change their lives and there is absolutely no reason any of us cannot do the same.


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