My Fitness Blog

Monday, July 02, 2007

Brain Change

Gone over some of this before but there are some key attitude adjustments you need ot make if you haven't already.
  • Get Rid of Any Limiting Attitudes. You can learn something from every diet program out there. Read as much as you reasonably can on nutrition and exercise. It will only help you. Limiting ideas are ones like "all carbs are bad", "no fats", "gotta stay in the fat-burning zone on my cardio". You need to try different things because that is how you will learn what works for you.
  • Accept Full Responsibility. Been over this before. No excuses. It is your fault if you don't succeed. Take this attitude and you really will succeed because you will evolve over time.
  • Clear Vision. Big, overriding idea that you will never forget.
  • Patience. When questions come up like "when will I see results?", I understand the desire to see the changes. But please think long-term. Think where you will be in 1-year, 5-years, 10-years and 25-years or more. Never let a bad day or week get you down. Had your best week at the gym and don't see any changes? That is frustrating. Eat a big meal, weigh yourself the next day and you are three pounds heavier? This is a blip on the radar. You are learning. As long as you try hard and be consistent, you will have so many benefits that will carry into so many parts of your life that you should never let yourself quit. Just learn from it and move on.


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