My Fitness Blog

Tuesday, July 03, 2007

It's all about habits ...

Take your time. Have a vision and patience and you will develop habits. Developing a new habit can be tough. I have read it takes 21 days. Maybe so. I am not sure. But consistent application along with your desire and continuing to educate yourself on the subject will lead to positive habits. in the "7 Habits" there is a great little diagram on how when desire, knowledge and skills overlap, you get habits. What are your best habits? Can you write them down? Are there things you do everyday that are good, positive habits? Think about those. That is how your nutrition and exercise choices should and will become.

Knowledge: Read when you can ... even if it is a little a day. Put a good health magazine in the restroom or your briefcase. The internet is awash in great sources for knowledge and inspiration and putting that in your head over time has a great ipact.


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