My Fitness Blog

Saturday, July 07, 2007

Fountain of Youth

Plastic surgery is becoming so prevalent that someone like myself who has never had an interests in going under the knife is starting to notice more and more people having surgery. After you see enough of them, it gets really easy to tell who has had work done. I would never fault someone for doing it. It is their choice and plastic surgery has done a lot of good for a lot of people.

In my opinion, however, the greatest fountain of youth is a strong, healthy physique obtained through consistent effort and healthy living. Have you ever seen an older sibling that looked years better than a younger sibling simply because they are in shape? A 50 year old can look 15 to 20 years younger by being in really good shape. I have a friend who is 55 but could easily pass for late-30s. I would not say this person has any gifted genes necessarily but he keeps himself in great shape and eats well. Your body is constantly rebuilding itself whether you workout or not. Old cells are replaced with new cells and studies have shown that individuals who eat healthy foods and exercise with strength training actually have body tissue that looks like a younger person under the microscope. Fountain of Youth, indeed.


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