My Fitness Blog

Friday, July 06, 2007

Some things you might have to do ...

You won't get where you want without making some changes. Do not fear change. just transition slowly if needed and turn them into habits. This is all about long-term.
  • You might have to become a morning person. Not a requirement for sure, but so many of us are busy with jobs, kids, school, etc. This may be the only reasonable time to set up some workout time. You may have told yourself over and over you are not a morning person. I used to tell myself that but I had to change and it was not all that bad. I think the whole idea of "morning person" is more mental than physical. Be very open to this suggestion.
  • Learn to love foods you may have "hated". Still hate to eat vegetables? Hate fish? If you do not have any real medical or spiritual reason for not eating a particular food, it is high-time to get over it. Don't like salad? Develop a love for them. This is hard for some. There are plenty of foods I came to love in adulthood that I hated and never wanted to try before. Work on this if needed.
  • Keep Some Stats. Take time to write down at least weekly stats on weight. Also take other measurements where applicable. People who monitor their stats do better long-term. Your body composition will naturally fluctuate but you want those fluctuations to be minimized. If you see yourself reverting to your old self, you are much more likely to get back on the wagon before it gets too late.
  • Get new clothes that fit you tighter as you lose fat. This works in the same way as the previous step because as you notice clothes getting more snug you are more likely to stay the course. Conversely, you are more likely to notice positive changes as the clothes get looser. This really works.
  • Find a coach or mentor.
  • Be mentally prepared to "Buck Up". Get ready for your body to fight you at first. Just know that intense cravings for desserts and stuff are very common at first when you cut back calories. Come up with strategies to deal with this but know it will pass. Again, we are talking about setting up good habits. If you eat dessert everyday, you will crave it. So it will be hard at first but it does not mean it will be hard everyday. I find 3 days tops is all that is needed. The opposite is true as well. Once you have established good habits, your body will crave them. Yeah, you will crave salad once you get it right.


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