My Fitness Blog

Tuesday, May 27, 2008

Busy Bodies

Not that this is a new idea by any stretch ... but something with "Busy Bodies" might work for the community and the title of the book.

Title Ideas

Road Map to Fitness
Field Guide to Fitness

.... I still think I need to work in the words "office" or "cubicle" or something like that to really show my niche.

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fighting Human Nature ... Yours and Others

I keep bringing this point up because you need to prepare yourself for the mental battles. There will of course be the demons you have to face that are from years of living a certain way. But another issue is you have to deal with the reactions people may have to you. Be ready for the good and the bad. If you are, either one is not likely to get you too far off the track.

There will always be a group of people telling you that your methods are wrong. or make fun of what you eat. Somehow, either directly or indirectly, they will make you feel bad ... or at least try to make you feel that way. it might even be someone close to you who starts to question "why do you want to get thin?" ... "doesn't eating that way make you sick?" .... "you make me feel bad when I see how well you are doing". This happens. I think it is important to be sensitive to others. Some of this is brought on by ourselves becasue we might tend to get preachy. We feel good, so we start spouting off about how great we feel or make others feel bad and they react. so realize there are two sides of the story. Be confident in what you are doing but also be sensitive to the fact others are not in the same mindset.

Friday, May 09, 2008

Note to Self ... Something Visual!

I think one of the main goals I have for the book is something small and visual that you can print out and keep in a wallet or have with you for inspiration. More than a goal card ... something that inspires as well as educates. Hmmmmm.

Meeting Notes -- Goals and Themes

Here is some more notes.

Goal: The goal of this book is to quickly guide you on a permanent road to health and fitness. It is not a trendy program. It is simple the user guide to lifetime fitness. I will direct you to some of the masters for specifics on workout and nutrition but this book should be a powerful and inspiring guide. It is designed to be a quick read so you can get going and come back to read often for some inspiration.

  • I want to be fit
  • Start Right Here
  • Pencil Pushers Guide to Fitness
  • Software Engineers Guide to Fitness
  • I work at an office and I want to be fit
  • It is all on me
  • Be honest with yourself
  • Be Responsible

Meeting Notes -- Full Discolsure

So in another meeting I wrote a piece called "Full Disclosure". It is about how the site and book will work.

This book is free for all. I wrote it because I believe it can help a lot of people. The website is free with some areas requiring email registration. When someone registers (which is only an email and nickname), their information will never be sold. The only correspondence will come from me and I promise it will be sparse (certainly no more than once a week). My main motivation is to help educate and share something that I hope can help others. There is, however, also a small financial incentive as well. People can donate to the site if desired to help keep the community going. I am also open to people who want to advertise on the site if it makes sense for the community. Some of the sites and books I recommend also provide me a referral fee if someone buys their product through me. I do not recommend them because of the fee, but since their referral programs were already in place, I am simply taking advantage of that.

I do not have a formal fitness or nutritional background. My background is engineering. I have a lot of personal experience and that is what I feel will be of benefit to you. I do give advice on nutrition and exercise but much of that is in the form of pointing you to the best experts in the field after giving you a solid overview. I still to this day work at an office, have lots of family responsibility, and plenty of "life" going on. I feel this is important and has provided me a perspective that many of you can appreciate.

I have coached people in fat loss because they were inspired by me so I know this works. Please leverage my experience.

I am 38 years old with an obese family tree. Not a lean one in the bunch other than myself at this point. I have permanently removed 70lbs of fat all while maintaining a very busy life.

I really hope this helps you. Please let me hear your feedback.

Meeting Notes

A while back I was in a meeting at work that was long and boring (imagine that). Sometimes in meetings I scribble ideas for the book. Here is one set of notes ...

Ultimately, I want you to live at a body composition that makes you feel the best about yourself. When you reach that point, healthy choices will be easy. You will want to make the best choices. You will understand at a very deep and emotional level what food and exercise does for you and does to you. You will learn how to get there, but more importantly, how to stay there. If you can get to your "ideal weight" as many call it, don't you want to stay there?
I also wrote some ideas down for a title or subtitle (some of these are really bad) ...
  • Fitness despite life (?????)
  • I've been searching the net to try and get fit
  • Fitness starts in the mind
  • Primer on internet fitness books
  • I am getting older and I want to be fit
  • Start Here to Get Fit
  • Internet Fitness
  • What you need to know about fitness