My Fitness Blog

Wednesday, May 26, 2010

Cleaning Out My House and Mind

I go over this in my mind a lot. I am coming up on 40. I feel like I want the simple life. Simple, with less "stuff" in it. And I mean physical stuff. Things you buy. They clutter your life and your mind. In my current situation, that would mean things like ...
  1. Being organized and on top of things at work
  2. Having a clean garage and backyard that do not feel uncomfortable when I walk out to them
  3. Having an organized inside of the house where everyone knows where things belong
  4. Things are clean
  5. Kids maintain their spaces and keep them organized on their own
  6. Cars are clean
  7. Bills are all handled automatically
  8. Photos/Family Memorabilia is organized, digitally stored and backed up
  9. Desk at work is organized
  10. Money in the back as a cushion
  11. Will/Living Will is done so family is taken care of


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