My Fitness Blog

Thursday, October 16, 2008

New Goals

So after a long move and remodel ... eating wasn't as good as it should. I didn't get to the gym much. Weight stayed flat but I am "mushy". I feel 10 pounds fatter and I darn well might be even though weight is still in the same range. I am getting back into the routine again now that things have quieted down, but it has been hard to get the endurance back up ... bit I have hope and this week was some nice progress.

I am not going to be 38 forever. I still have all the time I need hopefully to make my goals. Every year, I try to run the Cap10K in Austin. This is always a good day for me to shoot for increasing my running endurance. Last year, I beat my best time by almost three minutes but I was well off my goal of 48 minutes. This year, I have a different set of goals .. and they are more visual.

(note I paused before typing this because I feel almost embarrassed and scared to type it)
I want to cross the finish line with my shirt off ... nto just looking thin or fit ... but ripped. And I want to finish in under 48 minutes. "Ripped" is not very specific. But let's try to make it more specific ... I need to look real f*cking good. That means bigger arms and chest. About 15lbs of fat off my frame and a tight abdomen. Yeeeeehaaa! I need to do this!


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