My Fitness Blog

Thursday, May 22, 2008

Fighting Human Nature ... Yours and Others

I keep bringing this point up because you need to prepare yourself for the mental battles. There will of course be the demons you have to face that are from years of living a certain way. But another issue is you have to deal with the reactions people may have to you. Be ready for the good and the bad. If you are, either one is not likely to get you too far off the track.

There will always be a group of people telling you that your methods are wrong. or make fun of what you eat. Somehow, either directly or indirectly, they will make you feel bad ... or at least try to make you feel that way. it might even be someone close to you who starts to question "why do you want to get thin?" ... "doesn't eating that way make you sick?" .... "you make me feel bad when I see how well you are doing". This happens. I think it is important to be sensitive to others. Some of this is brought on by ourselves becasue we might tend to get preachy. We feel good, so we start spouting off about how great we feel or make others feel bad and they react. so realize there are two sides of the story. Be confident in what you are doing but also be sensitive to the fact others are not in the same mindset.


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