My Fitness Blog

Monday, July 09, 2007

So What Part of the Equation is Nutrition?

I hear this question asked a lot. How much is exercise and how much is nutrition? In the past when I thought I needed to lose weight, I focussed on the workouts. When people started realizing I had lost so much weight and commenting on it, the first question was naturally "what kind of workouts are you doing?". I certainly understand where they are coming from. Seems like a natural question. I usually respond with "well, I workout, but I really didn't get into shape until I got my nutrition in order".

I have seen many famous trainers comment on this topic of nutrition vs. training. I have never seen any trainer say that nutrition is any less than 50% of the equation. I have seem a few say it is as high as 80%. whatever it is, I feel strongly it is greater than 50%. You have to get your nutrition in better order to see solid results. This is especially true if your body type more readily puts on fat (endomorph). You eat every day. Make what goes in really count even if you cannot get the exercise you need.


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