My Fitness Blog

Monday, July 09, 2007

Can You Really "Eat Just One?"

That old Lays potato chip commercial really hits home. "Betcha can't eat just one!" That is true. Try eating just one. Try eating just one chocolate chip cookie. Man, I could eat a ton of chocolate chip cookies. Truly an awesome treat. My problem is that I realized a number of years ago that I cannot stop at just one. Eating one is MUCH harder than eating none. Some people can probably do it. I have never been one of them. If you think you fall into this category, make some simple promises to yourself. Don't even start with one! Just leave them. You will feel better. A while back I shared a story about the company candy jar. I sat right next to it. It had a bunch of my favorites and I would eat now and then and at the very least I was always thinking if I got hungry, there is a bite-size Snickers bar just a few feet away. Dangerous stuff when it comes to trying to get or stay lean. When I got serious, I just made the commitment I would never eat from that jar. And you know what? It really got easy. my mind spent no time thinking about the delicious candy within reaching distance all day long. I'd encourage people to look at some of their weaknesses like this and make similar decisions.

So are there any treats you can just eat one? Well for example at work from time to time we have large company meetings or training sessions where there are a ton of free pastries. My mentality used to be "Ooooooh ... free food, stock up and make the most of it." Now, I look for any fresh fruit and enjoy a cup of coffee with it. Coff with a little cream and sugar is a treat and I can drink one cup and feel satisfied. No need for more. So I focus on stuff like that. Plus, I know my body will want to crash if I pound a couple pastries. When you are in situations like this, enjoy the change of pace and treat yourself but keep it within limits.


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