My Fitness Blog

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Book Dedication

This book is dedicated to my beautiful wife and two children who make every day a joy and are a huge inspiration to me.

I also want to give a special dedication to my mother, Helen, who died way too young at the age of 61. She would have been most proud of what I am doing and I have had her in mind as I formulated my thoughts. The things I hope to impart with this book are largely her influence on my life. It was wonderful having a mother who believed and supported you 100% in everything you did. From her, I think I learned compassion. My mother was the person who went out of her way to be the friend to the person others ignored. She was incredibly sensitive. She spent her later years in the care of elderly people largely left abandoned by their families. I got to know some of those people even though I lived many states away and when they came to her funeral I could feel how much they appreciated having someone like her in their lives.

Hopefully this book is in the same spirit. I want people to realize all the good they have and channel that to give them the results they want ... whatever that may be.

Thursday, March 20, 2008

Another attempt at book outline

1) Things you need to know first. The cold, hard facts.
2) WANT to get fit. Desire.
3) WHY getting fit is important. Know the benefits.
4) Know WHAT you need to do
5) Developing Skills (the "HOW")

The Goal of the Book

Trying to come up with a concise and powerful and interesting goal of the book.

  • The goal of this book is to make fitness important enough to you to ingrain it in your everyday life.
  • The goal of this book is to make fitness important enough to you to make permanent changes.
  • This book's sole purpose is to help you break through the mental barriers that have kept you from living fit.
  • The purpose of this book is to inspire and to guide. It is designed to be direct and to the point
  • This short book should be a starting point and also a reference you can come back to for inspiration and maybe a kick in the pants
  • Start here. Go far.
  • A lot of what people need is a realization of what healthy living is. This book tries its best to do that.
  • Teach us where to start our journey and get the mind thinking fitness for the long term. Be positive. Be responsible. Be smart and change will happen.
something like that