My Fitness Blog

Friday, October 12, 2007

Leverage Your Strengths (Part 2)

Chances are good that if you are reading this blog, you have tried different programs or diets in the past. You may have had varying degrees of success, but you certainly gained a lot of perspective on how different ideas work for you. Leverage that.

If you have already achieved the perfect level of fitness you desire from a program in the past, then you already have a good idea what you need to do. Do that. Good chance you will get there again.

If you have never achieved that level (like I had), then start out my first looking at what has worked in the past. This can be a good place to start. But also take note, if what worked before only got you to a certain level, chances are good that it will take you only to that level again. When you want to get past that level, you will want to change things up and most likely increase intensity and tighten your diet.

Lets say you are a 220 pound male and your ideal weight is 180 pounds. But at your lightest when you were doing stairmaster three times a week and eating a low-fat diet, you were 200 pounds. Well if you go back on that program, I will not argue that is a good place to start. After all, you are making some good changes. And there is a good chance you can get back to 200 pounds or possibly even less. If that helps you get started, go for it. After starting with what you feel familiar with, keep reading fitness related material and tweaking what you are doing. Add weight training in there. Mix in healthy fats into your diet. Keep reading and trying to improve. Your routines will change a lot over time. If you envision having a fitness-model-type physique, you will have to do more what they do ... and they don't just do stairmaster three times a week (MOTO).

Leverage your strengths and experience. Expect ups and downs in your journey and enjoy them both.


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