My Fitness Blog

Friday, October 12, 2007

Leverage Your Strengths

No matter who you are, you have things working for you and things working against you when you try to get fit. There will never be the perfect time to get fit. It really is an every day adventure.

Figure out what is working for you and what is working against you and plan around it. I could easily argue that me having to take the kids to and from school, finish my full-time job and maintain a happy marriage and keep my house maintained is too much for me to dedicate time to fitness. But I also have some things working for me. I happen to work at a job near a gym. My schedule is such that I have time to work out at lunch and I do not travel much at all for work so maintaining a schedule may be easier for me than someone who is traveling a lot.

Never sit around and say something like "if I was single, I would be at the gym a lot more". Well it might be true, but chances are you wouldn't prioritize fitness any more if you were single than you do now if you are making excuses. No excuses. When you say and think things like that you are defeating yourself. You are already giving yourself an out if things don't go your way. If you can't get fit, you can blame it on work or family or whatever. Look, all of those things do have an impact and can be tough, but I bet you can think of someone who has it even harder than you but still maintains good fitness. Why is that? They make time. They make it a priority and it leads to so many other wonderful benefits.

Fitness is a great investment. It enhances your entire life. Make the time.


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