My Fitness Blog

Thursday, October 18, 2007

It is all connected ...

Getting fit through healthy eating and exercise does more than just get your body in shape. It gets the blood circulating and gets your hormones balanced. Your body wants this and it filters into every aspect of your life.

What are the areas of your life that have improved because you started taking better care of your body?

Thinking about these things makes it easy to realize the investment in your health despite busy and hectic schedules is extremely valuable. I have a long family history of depression on my mother's side of the family. I have seen what it does to families and I have also seen what anti-depressant drugs can do to someone suffering. There are definitely people who need the medication, but I am of the belief that in my situation I will have the most control if I am first in control of my body. Exercising and keeping blood sugar levels stable is the first way to help control hormones. It has incredible benefits on mental health and I feel strongly that I can avoid depression or at least be best equipped to deal with it if I am active and eating well.

Find what motivates you. This is a huge motivator to me ... and knowing that it is all connected makes the time I set aside for intense training and planning healthy meals is more than worth it.


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