My Fitness Blog

Friday, January 26, 2007

End of the month is nearing ...

It has been a good month. It did not go the way I pictured it when I wrote my goals but it has been a successful month. With a few days before the end of the month, I have reached my 187 average weight. I thought I would go gang-busters if needed over the week my wife was out of town, but a CRAZY ice storm hit Austin and I was holed up in the house with the kids for 3 days right after we returned from a weekend trip to Houston to attend a birthday party for a friend and hang out with my brother's family. It really put a crimp in the workout plans but it was nice to just play games with the kids. Afterwards, I came out strong and I really cleaned up my diet even more. I kept my carb intake at dinner down ... I was eating fish and veggies or chicken and veggies and that mead an obvious impact for me. Also, this morning I got my first 18% readings on the Tanita scale which was my other goal. Feeling good.

Friday, January 05, 2007

January Goal

Goal for January 31 is to be at 187 pounds (5 day average) and getting my first 18% BF readings on the morning weigh-in. That would mean a loss of 3 pounds of fat this month. After 9 of 10 days resting during the last week of the year, my average weight went from 188.5 to 190. I feel rested but I have hit it hard the last 3 days. From my previous experience with the summer vacation, regaining momentum is very difficult. That is the challenge and hopefully I will be smarter this time. The fact I am running more to train for 10Ks should help. Also, my wife will be out of town for work for a week and that week I might get some extra exercise in after the kids sleep if necessary.