My Fitness Blog

Tuesday, July 11, 2006

Great Quote

From BFFM ...

"People often underestimate the amount of effort it requires to develop a lean body."

Thursday, July 06, 2006

... But it is not all roses ...

In my previous post, I talked up my accomplishments so far and remarked about a lot of progress. I certainly am happy with that, but it should be noted I can already see some real areas that need improvement.
  1. Training Journal. It wasn't until my second time reading the BFFM chapter on weight training that I understood that my weightlifting really needs to be progressive. Either going up in reps, or weight or amount of work in a fixed period of time. I have been progressive the last 3 weeks and seen good results, but I have not been keeping good records. I love the fact I have been recording body composition data daily, so why don't I do it for lifting? I am going to go get a folder to hold some log pages I printed online.
  2. The Sixth Meal. My clean days are almost always 5 meals. Adding the sixth is tough for me but a goal.
  3. Calorie Counting. I have a ballpark idea of calories and protein consumption but even though my meals are "clean", I do not have exact numbers to make sure my macronutrient ratios are optimal. Since I have been seeing consistent results, I have stuck with the current routine.
  4. Core Strength. One of my weaker points, I need to work more on "core" exercises.
  5. Fat Percentage Tracking. I am tracking my Tanita scale results but not using more accurate measures such as calipers. I am relying more on the scale and measuring tape.
  6. More Vivid Goals. I have a goal statement but I don't think it is vivid enough. It needs to be more visual to maintain the intensity I have had so far.

Wednesday, July 05, 2006

So where are we?

I started posting my thoughts on fitness six weeks ago or so. I have been very diligent with both exercise and diet. My weight is down from 205-ish to 196-ish and I have greatly improved my eating habits and workout routines. My waist has gone more 37.75" to a shade over 36". My workout partner lost his job so I have been mostly working out solo but I am determined to get lean so my workouts in some ways have improved (although I definitely prefer a partner).

Constantly motivating yourself is essential. I read a chapter or a supplemental article from the author of Burn the Fat, Feed the Muscle each day and I have been buying Men's Health magazines to read at home in the restroom or wherever. The constant motivation ... the pictures of fit people ... the new workout ideas ... adding core workouts to my routine ... some new fact about food supplements or some new research on which foods help you get healthier. I can't overstate that the constant consumption of knowlege helps keep my own health at the forefront. It helps me pass on unnecessary dessert or motivates me to get up and get the morning workout in. It teaches me to be progressive in my lifting and always try to add weight and/or reps to my schedule.

I read my goals. I have been thinking about them more. I think I will need to make some goal adjustments to motivate myself even more. I have made nice progress but I have so much farther to go.