My Fitness Blog

Wednesday, November 07, 2007

Benefit: Immune System

Eating healthy and exercising only benefits your immune system. Do you get sick a few times a year or more? Eating well is not a cure-all for sure, but when you eat a good balance of good carbs, protein and fat, your body is better equipped to handle attacks on your immune system.

Personally, I noticed an enormous difference when I consciously made the decision to eats salads regularly. The salads I make are very satisfying. Usually a Greek salad with lettuce, tomatoes, onion, some feta cheese, a nice vinaigrette and olives. Throw in some tuna or chicken or some other form of protein and you are set. I used to get sick a lot more frequently before cleaning up my diet. My experience is certainly not a scientific experiment, but I know without question that my immune system functions better when eating well.

Just remembering that fact helps making eating better a habit that you enjoy ... not a chore.

UPDATE: I came across this article on CNN. It really helps explain why making the changes I did seemed to help me get sick less often. I basically can say I follow this regularly with the possible exception of green tea which I only drink occasionally. But I keep my fat intake at about 25-30% with mostly healthy fats. I take a pro biotic which gives the same effect as eating yogurt. I eat lots of fruits and vegetables. I exercise regularly. I take a multivitamin. I cannot stress enough that forming these habits will have huge benefits to your immune system.


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